
Spread Peace

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Festival of Ridvan

The first day of Ridvan (Eid e Ridvan) falling on 21st April, is a very special historic day for the Baha’is. “The Day of Supreme Felicity” as described by Baha’u’llah for the first day of Ridvan, marks the beginning of the 12-day festival of Ridvan. Ridvan is celebrated to commemorate the days of Baha’u’llah in the Garden of Ridvan after his exile from Baghdad. This is where He declared to some of the people gathered there that He was the Messenger of God. History of Ridvan
On 22nd April, 1863 Baha’u’llah left His house and moved to the Garden of Ridvan after He was exiled from Baghdad to Istanbul. On the afternoon on which He entered the Garden He declared the Festival of Ridvan, which continued for 12 days including the days of His arrival (the first day), the arrival of His family (the ninth day) and His departure (the twelfth day). It was during His stay in the Garden of Ridvan He declared His mission to humanity and that He is the Promised one. After nearly 10 years later, The Kitab-I-Aqdas declared Ridvan as one of the “Most Great Festivals”. Since then this festival is celebrated every year by all the followers of Baha'i Faith all around the World.
According to the Baha'is Calendar, the Festival is to begin on the 32nd day of the Baha'i year, which usually falls on April 21. The festival starts two hours before the sunset, when Baha'u'llah entered the Garden of Ridvan.
All the three days, the first, the ninth and the twelfth day Baha’is do not work. People observe prayers; meetings and the celebrations include feasting, dining, giving gifts to friends and alms to the needy.
The Ridvan Garden
Ridvan means Paradise. Baha'u'llah renamed the Garden Najibiyyih, situated across the Tigris River as the Garden of Ridvan on His arrival there after His exile.
Baha’u’llah’s Three Announcements
After his arrival in the Garden, Baha’u’llah claimed His Prophet Hood to His son ‘Abdu’l-Baha and four others. Apart from this, He made three announcements. The first announcement was abrogating religious war by the followers of Baha’i Faith, which was permitted in Islam and under certain conditions by the Báb. The second was that there would not be another Manifestation of God for another 1000 years and the third was that all the names of God were fully manifest in all things.
The First day of Ridvan is thus not only the “King of Festivals” as referred by the Baha’is, it could also be said to have marked the beginning of the Baha’i Faith.
The Guardian of the Baha’i Faith and the Ridvan
The third Living Guardian of Baha’i Faith Joel Bray Marangella sends the messages every year to the Baha’i world in general and particularly to the Orthodox Baha’is of the world. The following is the excerpt of his message of Ridvan 2007.
"I know that the friends will find upon reading the report made by the International Baha’i Council that the highest commendation and praise is due the members of Provisional National Baha’i Council of India for their manifold activities in support of the Guardianship and their outstanding achievements during the course of that past Baha’i year. The faithful friends who have continued to post such consistently excellent articles on the Baha’i newsgroups and other chat forums also be highly commended for their untiring and deeply appreciated efforts to expose the infamy of the leaders of the Heterodox Baha’i Faith.”
I am also certain that all will agree that the past Baha’i year has been unprecedented and all that the victories won in support of the Covenant and its sacred and immortal “Child” bode well for the future with the sure promise of even greater victories in the years that lie immediately ahead.
With my undying gratitude to all of the faithful friends for their continued and deeply treasured support and with loving Ridvan greetings to all..."
(compiled by PNBC of India)


Anonymous said...

خاک تو سرت کنم . این مطالب چرت و پرتی که نوشتی یه بچه ۷ ساله که بخونه خندش میگیره چه برسه به بزرگترها اصلا میدونی یکی از وظایف بیت العدل اعظم الهی اینکه آشغالهایی مثل تو رو از جامعه بیرون کنه

Anonymous said...

نوشته بالا نشان میدهد کسانی که دست اندر کار بیت العدل بدلی و کاذب هستند نه تنها از تعالیم حضرت بهاءالله دور گشته اند بلکه به پائین ترین سطح اخلاقی نزول نموده اند . تعصب و نادانی آنها را نابینا نموده و چون نمی توانند استدلال منطقی نمایند عصبانی گشته و به اهانت و بی ادبی متوصل میشوند. سرمشق آنها موسسه نامشروعی است که با بیت عدلی که بوسیله حضرت عبدالبهاء در الواح مبارک وصایا توصیف گشته جز نام شباهتی ندارد و برای حفظ موقعیت متزلزل خود به هر کار خلافی دست میزنند.

Unknown said...

This artical is really a time waste. You people are really out of track, nothing spiritual i felt after this. Pls be a Bahai and live a bahai life. Bahaullah is here to unite the world and u have devided His faith , how shame.