
Spread Peace

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Nakhjavani deceitfully has written in his article:

“The obligation of the friends was now well-defined. They had to wait for the “guidance” of the Universal House of Justice, to elucidate what certainly appeared to be “obscure questions”

The expectations of the believers were fulfilled when, in response to questions asked, the Universal House of Justice.

Alert Everybody:

(Answer to Nakhjavani by the present Hand of Cause, Nosratullah Bahremand)
  1. The Guardianship is not included under the category of “obscure questions.
  2. It is glaringly obvious that the Institution of the Guardianship and the functions of the Guardian as “Head of the Faith” have been clearly and well defined by ‘Abdu’l-Baha in His Will and Testament and have been elaborated upon by Shoghi Effendi in his writings
  3. A genuine Universal House of Justice presided over by the Guardian will be able to adequately respond to any question about the Faith but the sans guardian Universal House of Justice is not in position to respond any questions as such UHJ is a bogus UHJ.

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