“In his personal conversations with pilgrims Shoghi Effendi was reported to have repeatedly said that his ‘Dispensation’ was like his Will and Testament. The closest statement made by him in writing, however, hinting at such a conclusion, is a letter, written on his behalf, dated 10 January 1935 to Dr. Mühlschlegel, in which he states that his ‘Dispensation’ constitutes “an invaluable supplement” to the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, as well as to the Book of the Covenant, which is Bahá’u’lláh's Will and Testament. (LDG Vol. 1, 65)”
The Hand of Cause of God Nosratullah Bahremand replies to the cunningly and diabolically attempts of Mr. Ali Nakhjavani to mislead the believers:
It is true that Shoghi Effendi considered “The Dispensation of Baha’u’llah” as his spiritual Testament, as recorded in the jointly authored and renown Haifa Notes of May Maxwell and her daughter, Mary Maxwell (later his wife, Ruhiyyih Khanum) but it is noticeable that Nakhjavani cunningly and diabolically attempts to mislead the new believer, who undoubtedly is unfamiliar with this publication, and unmindful of the fact that the term Dispensation may only be correctly applied to the Dispensation of the Manifestation, when reference is made to “His Dispensation. ” He has done this with the obvious intention of creating an erroneous belief in the mind of the reader that the ministry of Shoghi Effendi should be considered as a “Dispensation” during which he faithfully exercised the function of Guardianship according to the terms of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and therefore ended with his passing, instead of a reference to Shoghi Effendi’s letter in which he has so strongly emphasized the absolute essentiality of, and the imperative need for the enduring continuance of the Guardianship as a permanent and irreplaceable Institution, in the World Order of Baha’u’llah. Nakhjavani would certainly not want the believers to be familiar with Shoghi Effendi’s letter of 10 January 1935 addressed to Dr.Mühlschlegel in Germany for in this letter he has written:
The Hand of Cause of God Nosratullah Bahremand replies to the cunningly and diabolically attempts of Mr. Ali Nakhjavani to mislead the believers:
It is true that Shoghi Effendi considered “The Dispensation of Baha’u’llah” as his spiritual Testament, as recorded in the jointly authored and renown Haifa Notes of May Maxwell and her daughter, Mary Maxwell (later his wife, Ruhiyyih Khanum) but it is noticeable that Nakhjavani cunningly and diabolically attempts to mislead the new believer, who undoubtedly is unfamiliar with this publication, and unmindful of the fact that the term Dispensation may only be correctly applied to the Dispensation of the Manifestation, when reference is made to “His Dispensation. ” He has done this with the obvious intention of creating an erroneous belief in the mind of the reader that the ministry of Shoghi Effendi should be considered as a “Dispensation” during which he faithfully exercised the function of Guardianship according to the terms of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and therefore ended with his passing, instead of a reference to Shoghi Effendi’s letter in which he has so strongly emphasized the absolute essentiality of, and the imperative need for the enduring continuance of the Guardianship as a permanent and irreplaceable Institution, in the World Order of Baha’u’llah. Nakhjavani would certainly not want the believers to be familiar with Shoghi Effendi’s letter of 10 January 1935 addressed to Dr.Mühlschlegel in Germany for in this letter he has written: