The Third Guardian of Baha’i Faith Joel Bray Marangella in his Ridvan Message (April-2009) introduced the new Hands of Cause of God.
1. Grace Behrens (Posthumously).
I take this opportunity to recognize belatedly and to name posthumously, dear Grace Behrens, a Hand of the Cause of God. She became renowned for the publication of letters submitted to the editor of the newspaper of Lancaster Pennsylvania, almost on a daily basis over a period of forty one years, totaling 846 letters according to her daughters report, in which she invariably mentioned the Baha’i Faith in some way, to the extent that the readers of the Lancaster newspaper would have all become well aware of the Faith by the time of her passing in 1998.
I also take this opportunity to elevate the following devoted Baha’is whose outstanding services, in various ways, in support of the true Faith and whose exemplary, steadfast and faithful support of my Guardianship over the years have deservedly entitled them to join the ranks of the Hands of the Cause who have been previously named during my ministry:
2. Joel Jani Marangella.
Whose assistance in initially designing, and subsequently establishing and maintaining my internet web page over the years since 1995 has been invaluable and whose expertise has been essential in the subsequent displaying and preserving in an attractive manner on that page of numerous articles, documents, historical photographs, past newspaper advertisements, as well as material from other sources, in support of the Guardianship, all of which has facilitated and contributed to the effective presentation to the Baha’i world via this unique instrumentality of incontrovertible evidence proving the continuation of the Guardianship.
3. James Meyer.
To whom we owe a particular debt of gratitude for the erection of and continued maintenance of a facility on the Meyers property for our use as the National Archives of the Orthodox Baha’i Faith wherein documents of historical value and particularly those covering the years of The Great Violation, among others, are preserved for safekeeping and can be made available for reference by future Baha’i scholars and historians.
4. Dr.A. Parikh.
Whose multiple, untiring and exemplary activities in support of the Guardianship in India have been exemplary and most praiseworthy.
5. Martin Lavalle.
Who has translated numerous long articles of mine into French which have then been posted in the French section of my web page and who has been very active in promoting the Orthodox Baha’i Faith in Eastern Canada.
With loving Ridvan greetings to all,
Joel Bray Marangella