A few years ago one of the Heterodox Baha'is told me that when Mason Remey, the second Guardian of the Cause of God broke his silence and sent his Proclamation to the American National Convention, the former Hands desperately started looking every where in the Writings to find anything to support their bogus claim and any thing to give legitimacy to their illegitimately appointed body of Custodians. Of course there was not even a word that they could find, so they had exhausted their search and were disappointed. Then one day, Mr. Varqa, one of the Hands, said he had good news as he had found something and then showed them a passage in the Aqdas regarding "Endowments dedicated to charity" and gave his interpretation which was accepted by the desperate Hands. That unauthorized and erroneous interpretation is the one which now is used by the bogus UHJ and its pawns. I am not sure how much of this story is accurate but I believe there is no reason to doubt its accuracy. Mr Varqa was the originator of this erroneous interpretation or if it was someone else.
It seems that the headless and bogus UHJ, which is the product of the violators of the Covenant, i.e. the former Hands of the Cause, is cursed and trapped in their malice and wickedness for they have not only violated and misrepresented the Will and Testament of the Master but they have also transgressed against the Aqdas and violated this most Holy Book. They disregarded the following warning of Baha'u'llah in The Aqdas:
"Whoso interpreteth what hath been sent down from the heaven of Revelation, and altereth its evident meaning, he, verily, is of them that have perverted the Sublime Word of God, and is of the lost ones in the Lucid Book." (The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 57). >>>>>For detail Click