Q.6. Do you believe then that these Baha’is who have been led astray and are now under the leadership of the Haifa organization will forever consider the provisions of the Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha pertaining to the institution of the Guardianship no longer applicable?
Ans. No. If those Baha’is who were formerly ardent and faithful believers during the Guardianship of Shoghi Effendi and have now been led to believe that the Guardianship ended with his passing as well as those Baha’is who have accepted the Faith following his passing would investigation fairly, sincerely and without bias the overwhelming evidence attesting to the continuation of the Guardianship found on our several web sites, they would inevitably perceive that the provisions of the divinely-conceived and sacred provisions of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l- Baha pertaining to the Guardianship have remained valid and unalterable and that the first Guardian faithfully fulfilled his obligation to appoint his successor according to its sacred Mandate. Accordingly, I invite and implore all the Baha’i friends to investigate independently and sincerely the truth and accept the “Will and Testament of Abdul Baha” as immutable documentary evidence that has undeniably insured the continuity of the Guardianship.
Q.7. Do I understand that the Baha’is under the Guardianship (i.e. Orthodox Baha’is) consider Baha’is who have rejected the continuation of the Guardianship as violators of the Covenant of Baha’u’llah?
Ans: No, the Guardian of the Faith has asked Orthodox Baha’is, in sharp contrast to the leaders of the sans-Guardian or Heterodox Baha’is who have labeled those of us who support the continuing Guardianship as Covenant-breakers, to consider all Baha’is as brothers and sisters in the Faith who unfortunately have been sadly and ironically lead far astray themselves from the Covenant but who hopefully will eventually, if not at this time, ultimately investigate the truth, embrace completely the provisions of the Will and Testament of Abdu’l-Baha as sacrosanct and turn their faces towards and fully support the living Guardian of the Faith, as enjoined by Him in that sacred and immortal Document.
Q. 8. Do I understand correctly that there is no clergy in the Baha’i Faith?
Ans: Yes. We have only the Administrative Order. All Baha’is study the Teachings of Baha’u’llah for themselves and endeavor to teach the Faith to others to the best of their ability.