Sans-Guardian Baha’is Say about us;
> They are Covenant Breakers.
> Do not read their literature.
> Do not visit their internet sites.
> Do not entertain them when they come to meet you.
> Do not discuss the contents of the Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha.
> Do not accept their view about the Continuity of Guardianship in Baha’i Faith.
WHILE ............
In the words of Baha'u'llah,
"Purge your sight, that ye may perceive its glory with your own eyes, and depend not on the sight of any one except your self, for God hath never burdened any soul beyond its power. Thus hath it been sent down unto the Prophets and Messengers of old, and been recorded in all the Scriptures."
This is very true. Those who are not on the right side always try to hide the truth. If this kind of barring the fellow believers from studying other literatures, then the other religion will also barr their followers to read baha'i literature.
This kind of approach will justify the iranian govt misdeeds towards the baha'is.
I agree with asutosh
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