Monday, February 27, 2012

Message of Love from Living Guardian

During this holy period of Ayyam-i-Ha, the Third Guardian of Baha’i Faith, beloved Joel Bray Marangella addresses to the Baha’i friends in the words of Master, Abdu’l Baha in which he has emphasized the importance of LOVE in one of his wonderful Tablet.   

     "O thou who warmest thyself by the fire of the love of God, spreading from the Tree of the Covenant!  Let thy soul be at ease and thy heart in peace concerning the perfect success and progress which the pen is not able to express, for in a short time thou shall see the flag of the Kingdom waving in those far and wide regions, and the lights of the Truth shining brilliantly in its dawn above those horizons, and thou shalt know that thou art the center of the circle of the love of God, the axis around which souls revolve in their way and supplication to God.  Therefore,, thou must widen thy heart, dilate thy breast,  have patience in plenty, calmness of soul and cut thyself from everything but God !

The above words of the Master are so appropriate and equally apply to all of us who are assiduously laboring today for the victory of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah and its divinely-conceived, sacred and immortal "Child."

Joel Bray Marangella.
The Guardian of Baha’i Faith.


  1. Dearest Guardian Joel and Irene,
    Thank you for the encouraging words of Abdu'l Baha. Much love and prayers for you and your family, and the Baha'is.

    Carole Schlatter

  2. Wats the age of this senile man claiming to be a guardian....

  3. Dear friend,

    You can not deny the fact. Bahai Faith need a guardian as per the writings Abdul Baha and Baha u llah.

    And if there was not need of guardian, why Shoghi Effendi was appointed a guardian?

    Your well wisher

  4. How one can be a guardian without the approval of Universal House of Justice?

  5. ٗGood,
    It shows that how UHJ has fooled you, if you are a Baha"i. If you are a Baha'i or not, please note that UHJ is not a body to appoint the guardian. Guardian will be appointed only by guardian. The UHJ which is now running by the so called Bahai, is illegal and bogus UHJ.

    Please note that Head of the UHJ will always be a guardian.

    If you are a Bahai Please write your address, telephone number.


  6. Anonymous wrote on 7 March: "How one can be a guardian without the approval of Universal House of Justice?"

    Did Shoghi Effendi have the approval of the Universal House of Justice? If not then according to you he was not the Guardian. The point is the Will of Abdul-Baha does not require a Guardian's legitimacy to be conditioned on the approval of the Universal House of Justice.

  7. Baha'u'llah taught Unity, not division. As Baha'u'llah's envisioned, the newest Guardian is the UHJ. Those of us who accept this are obeying the Covenant of Baha'u'llah. This can be found in the Kitab-i-Aqdas and Tablets of Baha'u'llah.

    In those writings Bahá'u'lláh writes that the Universal House of Justice would assume authority over the religion, and would consider matters that had not been covered by himself; he stated that the members of the institution would be assured of divine inspiration, and have the regard for all peoples and safe-guard their honor.

    And YOU say that what Baha'u'llah says regarding the UHJ is bogus???

    How some of you "think" that someone can appoint THEMSELVES as Guardian is beyond my comprehension. Since Shoghi Effendi died without a will appointing a particular person, it was time to build on the vision.
