Monday, February 10, 2014

Latest book by Third Guardian of Baha’i Faith:

Numerous letters, articles and commentaries addressing the importance of the continuation of the Guardianship, the critical center of the World Order of Baha’u’llah, was written and originally dispatched to the Baha’i world by Joel Bray Marangella since his appointment as successor to the Guardianship of the Baha’i Faith by Charles Mason Remey, second Guardian of the Faith, via both direct mailing and through postings on the Internet. Selected communications were also published in a book titled The World Order of Baha’u’llah Continues to Unfold. In this latest book by the Guardian titled, In Defense of the Continuing Guardianship, he has focused on providing undeniable proof, as found in both the Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha and in the writings of Shoghi Effendi, including his historic messages to the Baha’i world during the closing seven years of his ministry, which in complete accordance with the Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha, had undeniably faithfully provided for the continuance of the Guardianship following his passing. Consequently this essential and highest Institution of Baha’i Administrative Order had not come to an untimely and tragic end as falsely and blindly claimed by the then Hands of the Cause of the Baha’i Faith (With a single notable exception).

Many of the Guardian’s letters, article and commentaries contained herein have been collected electronically and can be viewed on the Guardian’s website at


The Baha’i Faith:

1.    A Brief Summary of Its Aimss, Teachings, And Early History of Bahai Faith.
2.    Essential Requirements that Must be Fulfilled to be Accepted as a Baha’i- Shoghi Effendi.
3.    Statement of Beliefs of the Orthodox Bahais Under Living Guardianship.

The Guardianship:

1.    Essentiality of the Guardianship to the World Order of Baha’u’llah
2.    The Tree of the Covenant of Baha’u’llah – December 1984.
3.    The Most Great Order – May 2008
4.    9 January 1951 Proclamation of Shoghi Effendi to the Baha’i World.
5.    Commentary on the Proclation – July 1986
6.    Commentary on the Immortal Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha – January 1985.
7.    Writings of Shoghi Effendi Concerning the Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha
8.    What is the Meaning of Loyalty to the Covenant of Baha’u’llah – November 1977

Selected Messages of Shoghi Effendi:

1.    Extract of Cablegram of Shoghi Effendi of 25 April 1951 Regarding Formation of the International Baha’i Council.
2.    Shoghi Effendi Informs United Nations of His Role as “Appointed Head”
3.    Shoghi Effendi Foretells an Active Role for the International Baha’i Council
4.    Commentary: A letter and Five Messages of Shighi Effendi – August 2003

The Great Violation:

1.    A Brief Histrory of Violation of the Covenant of Baha’u’llah- December 1975
2.    The Flagrant and Inexcusable Betrayal of Shoghi Effendi – September 2007
3.    The Heterodox Baha’is Illegitimate Reign of the “Custodians” at the Baha’i World Center.

Continuation of Guardianship:

1.    The Declaration of the National Spiritual Assembly of France Accepting Mason Remey
2.    Forward and Open Letteers Sent to Baha’is Friends by Joel Bray Marangella.
3.    Proclamation of Joel Bray Marangella As the Guardian of the Baha’i Faith.
4.    Open Letters to the Heterodox Baha’is by The Third Guardian of the Baha’i Faith – July & October 1960.

Letters to Ruhiyyih Khanum:

1.    First Letter – April 1988
2.    Second Letter – April 1990
3.    Third Letter – December 1990
4.    Fourth Letter – March 1999

Articles and Commentaries:

1.    Shoghi Effendi’s Proclamation – 9 January 1951.
2.    The Three Secretaries of the International Baha’i Council Who Never Wrote a Single Letter – April 2005.
3.    The Ultimate Paradox – May 2008.
4.    Heed the Warning of Abdu’l Baha – July 1999.
5.    An Illegal Nondescript Administrative Body Pretending to be the Universal House of Justice – December 2005.
6.    Can They Prevail Against God’s Immutable Purpose – June 2008.
7.    As it is in Heaven – May 2008.
8.    “Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do”May 2008.
9.    For Them, the World Order of Baha’u’llah Shall Never Be – March 2008.
10. Forgotten Promise – February 2008.
11. Will God Permit These Wayward Baha’is to Continue Their Blasphemous Repudiation – November 2007?
12. The Flagrant and Inexcusable Betrayal of Shoghi Effendi – September 2007.
13. What Will be Your Excuse When You Meet Shoghi Effendi in the Next World – June 2008?
14. The Embryo – November 2004.
15. Do They Really Care – March 2006?


1.    The Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha.
2.    The Spiritual Testament of the First Guardian by Shoghi Effendi.
3.    Appeals to the Hands by Mason Remey.
4.    The Proclamation of Mason Remey, Second Guardian of the Baha’i Faith.
5.    Statement by Mason Remey.
6.    Encyclical Letters by Mason Remey.


1.    Words of Baha’u’llah Appointing ‘Abdu’l Baha’ His Appointed Sussessor.
2.    Words of Abdu’l Baha.

Note: Underlined dates are provided for posting on the www.Bahai-Guardian Website.

Selection from the article written by:

Mr. Mark Vali Marangella,
The Hand of Cause of God
Under the Guardianship of the Orthodox Baha’i Faith.

Prepared by:
Hand of Cause of God,
The Secretary of National Baha’i Council of India
Dr. A. Parikh