Sunday, January 13, 2013

Kitab-i-Iqan, The Book of Certitude (2)

Dear readers! please read the first part of this article in this blog just before this passage.
Shoghi Effendi wrote about Iqan:
“...the most important book written on the spiritual significance of the Cause"
 (The Light of Divine Guidance, volume 1, 37).

Shoghi Effendi wrote the book “God Passes by” in English and later it is translated in Persian in the name “Qarn-i-Badi” by Nasr’u’llah Mawaddat. I am quoting the reference of both the version:

“Foremost among the priceless treasures cast forth from the billowing ocean of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation ranks the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude), revealed within the space of two days and two nights, in the closing years of that period (1278 A.H.—1862 A.D.). It was written in fulfillment of the prophecy of the Báb, Who had specifically stated that the Promised One would complete the text of the unfinished Persian Bayán,…(it is) a model of Persian prose, of a style at once original, chaste and vigorous, and remarkably lucid, both cogent in argument and matchless in its irresistible eloquence, this Book, setting forth in outline the Grand Redemptive Scheme of God, occupies a position unequalled by any work in the entire range of Bahá’í literature, except the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Bahá’u’lláh’s Most Holy Book. Revealed on the eve of the declaration of His Mission, it proffered to mankind the “Choice Sealed Wine,” whose seal is of “musk,” and broke the “seals” of the “Book” referred to by Daniel, and disclosed the meaning of the “words” destined to remain “closed up” till the “time of the end.”
(God Passes By [English page No. 138 & 139 and Persian Vol.II, page No.147) 

Dr. A. Parikh,
Secretary, National Baha'i Council of India.