Sunday, September 16, 2012

International Conference of the Orthodox Baha'is

An international conference of the Orthodox Bahais of the world held at Albuquerque, New Mexico on 9th and 10th June 2012.
Conference opened with the reciting of several prayers by the friends including the Healing Prayer for all of those who are currently facing health problems.
The friends were delighted to welcome Hand of the Cause, Nosrat’u’llah Bahremand, from Australia, to share their conference experience. He is the Vice President of the Third International Baha’i Council and the appointed successor of the Third Guardian.

This conference was a very successful gathering with the view point of devotionals and deepening. The following subjects discussed by the friends present in the conference:
The Necessity for a Mediator.
Prayer Indispensable and Obligatory.
Prayer the Language of Love.
Love, Jewels from the Words of Abdu’l-Baha.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Prayer and Natural Law.
The Seven Mouths of God.
Seven major faiths Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam and Bahai’ism must be united from around the world. 
The History of the Tablet of Ahmad. Who was Ahmad?  What was happening historically when this tablet was revealed?
Khalil Gibran and the Baha’i Faith.
The Creative Power of the Word of God.

Administration & Future Vision
Publishing and Feast activities of Orthodox Baha’i’ Community of Roswell discussed. Same will continue to invite people to the Baha’i Topics. As the Feast is the bedrock of the community and the main purpose of feasts is consultation, will continue in Roswell and in Indian Community of Orthodox Baha’is.
As per the directives of Guardian, as far as possible new technologies will be utilized to deliver the message of guardianship. Video-conferencing, possibly using ‘Hang-out’ on Google+ and… will be encouraged everyone to use social networking sites, such as Google+, where you can distinguish groups of people through ‘circles. All friends are encouraged to develop a personal page or blog.
The topic Suggested for future conferences are:  Love, the Will and Testament of Baha’u’llah (Kitab-I-‘Ahd or the Book of the Covenant). Review of part I of the Seven Valleys, Tahirih, more from the New Era such as Science and Religion, a discussion of The Bible  Code. The Orthodox Baha’is of Colorado offered to host the summer 2013 conference in Colorado Springs.
The appointed successor of the Third Guardian, the Vice President of the Third International Baha’i Council the Hand of Cause of God Mr. Nosrat’u’llah Bahremand delivered a message of Third Guardian Joel Bray Marangella that: “the Guardian has asked us to create a presence on the internet.  He said everyone can have a blog, or get onto Facebook, Google+ or any social networking site.
Conference ended with the prayer by Mr. Nosrat’u’llah Bahremand.