Sunday, May 27, 2012


You are not a Baha’i,
 if you don’t believe in Shaikh Ahmad Ehsaa’i and Syed e Rashti.

You are not a Baha’i,
 if you don’t believe in Syed e Bab, The forerunner.

You are not a Baha’i,
 if you don’t believe in Baha’u’llah and His writings and commands.

You are not a Baha’i,
 if you don’t believe in Abdu’l Baha and his “Will and Testament” and all his Writings and Commands. You are a “Covenant Breaker”.

You are not a Baha’i,
 if you don’t believe in the First Guardian of Baha’i Faith, Shoghi Effendi. You are a “Covenant Breaker”.

You are not a Baha’i,
 if you don’t believe in the Second Guardian of Baha’i Faith, Charls Mason Remey. You are a “Covenant Breaker”.

You are not a Baha’i,
 if you don’t believe in the Third Living Guardian of Baha’i Faith, Joel Bray Marangella. You are “Covenant Breaker”.


He is not a Baha’i who believes in any SANS GUARDIAN Universal House of Justice.

Divine Administration of Baha’i Faith is based on Twin Pillars – (1) Guardian as a Head of Baha’i Faith and (2) Universal House of Justice.

Come on:

Let us investigate the Truth independently on this holy occasion of Ascension of Baha’u’llah.

Vinod Kumar,
National Teaching Committee
(Orthodox Baha’is of India),
Rohini-New Delhi.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Celebrating Declaration of the Bab

On the evening of May 22, we Baha’is throughout the world commemorate the Declaration of the Bab, which took place in the Persian city of Shiraz in 1844.
The Báb declared, that the Promised One is destined to usher in the age of justice, unity and peace promised in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and all the other great religions. Bahá’u'lláh, one of the Báb’s leading advocates, announced in April 1863 that He was the Divine Messenger the Báb had promised.
The Báb’s announcement in the middle of the 19th century came at a time when many Christians were expecting the return of Christ based on their reading of Biblical prophecy.
Simultaneously, half way around the world, in the Middle East, many followers of Islam were also expecting their Promised One to appear irrespective of their sectarian beliefs.
Bab attracted thousands of followers in Iran in a very short time. His followers were persecuted by the religious and political heads. Thousands were tortured and put to death.
We celebrate the anniversary of the Báb’s declaration through prayers and programs. Suspend our mechandise and work on this day as it is one of the nine holy days in the Bahá’í calendar.
We appeal to the Baha'is of the world to celebrate this day in full vigour and effective force.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Guardianship – The Heart of the Bahá’í Faith

Every living organism has a heart. Upon the healthy action of which these organisms are dependent for their proper functioning, so does the Bahá’í Faith have a heart upon which its life depends and this heart is the Guardianship of the Faith. But the Hands of the Faith in their dilemma at the death of our beloved Guardian (Shoghi Effendi) were so confused and upset that they thought the Cause must get along without any more Guardianship -   thus setting up a substitute for this Guardianship in their present-intending leadership of the nine Hands of the Faith in the Holy Land, for which body there is no authority whatsoever in the administrative plan of Bahá’í government as given us in the “Will and Testament” of the Master, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Hands of Faith destroyed the 36 years labor of Shoghi Effendi 

The beloved Guardian labored for thirty-six years to establish the Administration. The Guardianship is the heart of the Cause and now, in less than two years after his death, the Hands of the Faith are doing what they can to destroy any hopes that believers may entertain of our ever having another Guardian. Until this present time this destruction seems to be having results that please the Hands of the Holy Land, all but with the exception of myself. The Hands are constantly calling my attention to the success of their program. 
Those who in their hearts oppose the Guardianship will in the end fall short…? 

Let each one of us face and see his own problem, a problem that rests between himself and God, whether or not he or she wants a Guardian or not, for if the Hands of the Faith unitedly want a Guardian, they will have no difficulty, but if they, in their hearts don’t want the Guardianship, God help the Cause and God help them too. We know that in the end, the Cause will prevail. The Administration of the Cause cannot live without its heart that is the Guardianship, therefore those who in their hearts oppose the Guardianship will in the end fall short of that to which they were called to perform.

Charles Mason Remey,
Second Guardian of Baha’i Faith