Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bogus Universal House of Justice has illegitimately and erroneously altered and interpreted Verse 42 of Aqdas

We have received the Comment and its reply by anonymous readers. We are posting it for our friends. The Comment is posted on 9th May and replied on 12th May 2011.
Rajendra Upadhyaye.
Anonymous said...
Has the Guardian interpreted verse 42 of the Aqdas? If so I would like to know his interpretation.
Anonymous said...
“Has the Guardian interpreted verse 42 of the Aqdas? If so I would like to know his interpretation.”
If you mean the Verse regarding the “Endowments dedicated to charity” the answer is no, none of the Guardians have interpreted that Verse. If it was necessary they would have done it.
Unfortunately bogus UHJ has illegitimately and erroneously altered and interpreted this passage of Aqdas disregarding the following warning of Baha’u’llah in The most Holy Book and by doing so has transgressed against the Aqdas, violated this most Holy Book and has confused majority of the Baha’is.
“Whoso interpreteth what hath been sent down from the heaven of Revelation, and altereth its evident meaning, he, verily, is of them that have perverted the Sublime Word of God, and is of the lost ones in the Lucid Book.” (The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 57)
For further information please read this  article:
Specially refer to parts 3 and 4 of this article:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Reply to Kevin - Part 2

When the Hand of the Cause Mr. Nosrat’u’llah Bahremand replied to the aggressive comment of Kevin, we posted it on the blog under the heading “Followers of Bogus UHJ are confused”, Kevin has written as under:
On April 1, 2011 4:03 PM
"Well Mr. Nosrat, I asked the reply from the guardian and not you. Whoever you are, have a rude approach. This is not the way to reply."
And on April 12, 2011 12:03 PM
"It is not the Universal House of Justice that is Bogus, but, the bogus is the self-proclaimed, uncertified and power hungry so-called guardians are.
Hiding behind the veils, attacking anonymously and sowing seed of infidelity and discontent. It will serve no purpose. The Orthodox Baha'i Faith and disputed guardianship castle is built on sand. How long will it stand....We will watch."

Dr. Parikh replied to these comments of Kevin:
Dear Kevin,
I have gone through your questions and reply of the Hand of Cause Nosrat'u'llah Bahremand and also read your comment on the reply of Mr. Nosrat.
I am writing to you, assuming that you are a Baha'i and a follower of majority group UHJ.
First of all I would like to write you that the reply by Mr. Nosrat is to the point and correct. Here I would like to clarify that the Universal House of Justice in Haifa without its head (Guardian) is Bogus.
As for the self-proclaimed, uncertified and power hungry guardians who are hiding behind the veils, attacking anonymously and sowing seed of infidelity and discontent, I also believe that it will serve no purpose. But I want to ask you whether the guardian in Baha’i Faith is essential or not?
I assume you to be a Baha’i. You will investigate the matter of continuity of guardianship in the writings of Baha'u'llah, Abdu’l Baha and Shoghi Effendi. And if you are not a Baha'i, you can comment on anything as millions do on the internet.
And as for your comment that “The Orthodox Baha'i Faith and disputed guardianship castle is built on sand. How long will it stand....We will watch”, I feel that as the guardianship is pivotal requisite for the continuity of the Baha’i Faith, for power hungry people, it is good opportunity to proclaim for “False and bogus guardianship.” This is the testing time for the believers thus the duty of the believers is to follow the true guardian, as per the Will and the Testament of Abdu'l Baha.
I would like to request to you and all the readers of our blog that if you are Baha'i, please adorn yourself with the moral and teachings of Baha'u'llah. I found lots of comments in this blog which shows that commentators are Baha'is but their manner is not a “Baha'i Manner”
Dr. A. Parikh,
Secretary, PNBC of India.

An Anonymous supported Dr. Parikh and Nosrat and wrote that “How do you request them (follower of bogus UHJ) for moral and good behavior? Please read:
Anonymous wrote:
Dear Mr. Parikh.
I think it is useless to request the followers of illegitimate UHJ to adorn with the morals. They are selfish people. They talk about universal peace; equality etc but they do not practice it.
They don't believe in the Will and Testament of Abdu'l Baha. They are cheating in India to the Government of India. They are cheating to UNO. Then how do you request them for moral and good behavior.

Reaction of Kevin to anonymous:
You are wrong my dear anonymous. Don't utter a word against us without any evidence. Give the proof of your accusation. I know you do not have it. Your approach reflects that how desperate you people are?
Anonymous replied to Kevin:
Anonymous Mr. Kevin,
What kind of proof you need? Do you want the proof that UHJ is bogus?
Please note that when guardian is not there in UHJ, it is bogus. You read the Will and Testament of Abdu'l Baha, you will find that without the guardian UHJ cannot function.
As for cheating to Govt. of India, do you not know the newspaper reports of espionage by Baha’is in India or do you not know the forgery of Iranian Baha’i of India in connection to his passport, ration card. Do you not know the case of FERA by the officials of Baha’is in New Delhi?
I hope that you will now investigate about the cheating and the frauds done by the key Baha’is of India holding important position in the Baha’i administration.
I would also love to suggest you to read the Will and Testament profoundly to confirm that the present UHJ is real or bogus. You yourself will come to the conclusion that who is WRONG and who is RIGHT, if you have the capacity for it.

Kevin was frustrated and made a comment as under:
"The so-called self-claimed Guardian is in hiding and has deputed some ego-centric person to ambiguously answer the relevant questions with an irrelevant approach. God will only bring him to his senses. Central figures of the Faith are anxiously waiting in the Abha Kingdom for his arrival."
At the end of Part – 2, I would like to inform to Mr/Mrs/Ms. Kevin and the one who has deputed him/her to comment ambiguously, anybody can reply him/her. Let the reader decide that the reply is as per the Holy Writings of Baha’is Faith or against it?
Dr. A. Parikh,
Secretary, PNBC of India.
5th June 2011.