Friday, May 28, 2010

Ascension of Baha'u'llah

On May 29, all over the world, The Orthodox Baha’is will commemorate the Ascension of Baha’u’llah, the Manifestation of God. In 1892, on this day Baha’u’llah passed away quietly at the age of 75.

Baha’u’llah in is His Will and Testament appointed his eldest son ‘Abdu’l-Baha as the Center of His Covenant and solely the Expounder of His revealed Word.

Abdu’l Baha in his Will and Testament appointed his successor Shoghi Effendi as the Guardian of the Faith and wrote that:
It is incumbent upon the guardian that to appoint in his life time his successor (Guardian after him) thus Shoghi Effendi appointed in his life time his successor to Mason Remey as the second Guardian of the Faith.
Following the Will and Testament of Abdul Baha, Mason Remey appointed in his life time his successor to Joel Bray Marangella as the third Guardian of the Bahai Faith. He is The LIVING GUARDIAN for the Baha’is of the world.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Declaration of the Báb

The Báb declared his mission to Mullá Husayn on 23 May 1844. On this auspicious day the PNBC of India invite the attention of all the Baha'i friends in brienf that:

What do Orthodox Bahá'ís believe?

1) We believe just the same as all Bahá'ís believed before 1957 that the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh requires obedience to the Guardian of the Cause of God. We believe the present Guardian is Joel B. Marangella.
2) Orthodox Bahá'ís have all of the Institutions of the Cause of God as set forth in the Will and Testament of `Abdu'l-Bahá, including the Hands of the Cause of God, and an international body with the Guardian at its head, the International Bahá'í Council which is destined in time to become the Universal House of Justice.
3) The Orthodox Baha'is, being under the shade of the Tree of Covenant are divinely guided and blessed. The "table of heaven is prepared" for them, "the angels of heaven" are their "assistants and helpers", and "the life of the Holy Spirit is breathing upon" them (from `Abdu'l-Bahá, Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 214.
for more visit.

Commemoration Commemorations will be held at Vasai Road (W), Rohini, New Delhi and at Lucknow in the evening of 23rd May 2010.